Top 100 Female Baby Names,
Michigan, 1970 - 1979

1 - 34

35 - 67

68 - 100










1. Jennifer 30,712 35. Stacy 3,547 68. Kristina 2,067
2. Amy 15,246 36. Danielle 3,546 69. Monica 2,060
3. Michelle 13,294 37. Jill 3,517 70. Kathryn 2,056
4. Lisa 12,395 38. Wendy 3,515 71. Deborah 2,055
5. Melissa 12,230 39. Lori 3,457 72. Tanya 2,053
6. Angela 11,898 40. April 3,415 73. Teresa 2,045
7. Heather 11,873 41. Stacey 3,366 74. Ann 2,031
8. Kimberly 10,895 42. Patricia 2,964 75. Robin 1,956
9. Nicole 9,484 43. Michele 2,915 76. Catherine 1,929
10. Kelly 8,721 44-45. Holly 2,848 77. Cheryl 1,926
11. Sarah 8,094 44-45. Crystal 2,848 78. Linda 1,826
12. Rebecca 7,936 46. Katherine 2,825 79. Barbara 1,821
13. Julie 7,176 47. Renee 2,747 80. Brandy 1,730
14. Jessica 6,900 48. Cynthia 2,690 81. Deanna 1,727
15. Stephanie 6,550 49. Heidi 2,622 82. Maria 1,726
16. Shannon 6,372 50. Tonya 2,600 83. Megan 1,721
17. Elizabeth 6,302 51. Kristen 2,592 84. Beth 1,669
18. Amanda 6,006 52. Pamela 2,582 85. Leslie 1,667
19. Dawn 5,942 53. Tiffany 2,543 86. Kristy 1,647
20. Laura 5,793 54. Kristin 2,489 87. Alicia 1,625
21. Christina 5,714 55. Sandra 2,423 88. Rhonda 1,621
22. Mary 5,349 56. Tara 2,388 89. Tracey 1,596
23. Andrea 5,200 57. Emily 2,372 90. Debra 1,574
24. Tracy 4,985 58. Denise 2,346 91. Jacqueline 1,533
25. Christine 4,847 59. Kathleen 2,332 92. Anne 1,515
26. Carrie 4,578 60. Erica 2,321 93. Nichole 1,514
27. Jamie 4,390 61. Theresa 2,297 94. Colleen 1,489
28. Rachel 4,350 62. Melanie 2,293 95. Sherry 1,453
29. Tammy 4,332 63. Jodi 2,257 96. Anna 1,452
30. Tina 4,253 64. Dana 2,233 97. Donna 1,436
31. Karen 4,240 65. Brenda 2,185 98. Paula 1,412
32. Sara 3,989 66. Tamara 2,090 99. Christy 1,387
33. Susan 3,847 67. Amber 2,079 100. Sharon 1,366
34. Erin 3,668

Note: The frequency is calculated by counting the unique spelling of the name.  For example, in order to determine the frequency of the name "Lindsay", babies named "Lindsey" would not be considered, even though the two names sound alike and would have a higher rank if both were counted as one.
Source: 1970-1979 Michigan Resident Birth File.  Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

October 18, 2022