Most Popular Male Baby Names,
Michigan, 2000 and 2022



Rank Name Frequency Rank Name Frequency

Total Male Births: 69,500 Total Male Births: 51,548

1. Jacob 1,580 1. Noah 475
2. Joshua 1,015 2. Oliver 432
3. Michael 989 3. Theodore 424
4. Nicholas 961 4. Henry 412
5. Andrew 938 5. Liam 405
6. Tyler 908 6. Elijah 388
7. Matthew 897 7. Levi 348
8. Zachary 864 8. Benjamin 334
9. Joseph 817 9. Lucas 330
10. Ryan 764 10. Hudson 326
11. Alexander 721 11. William 323
12. Austin 697 12. Jack 309
13. Justin 683 13. James 303
14. Noah 663 14. Owen 297
15. Brandon 653 15. Jackson 259
16. Christopher 637 16. Mason 255
17. Benjamin 636 17. Asher 242
18. Nathan 618 18. Lincoln 241
19. Ethan 596 19. Wyatt 238
20. Hunter 587 20. Maverick 234
21. Kyle 586 21. Michael 231
22. James 582 22. Alexander 230
23. Dylan 571 23. Leo 227
24. Anthony 558 24. Carter 226
25. David 549 25. Logan 221

Note: The frequency is calculated by counting the unique spelling of the name.  For example, in order to determine the frequency of the name "Glenn", babies named "Glen" would not be considered, even though the two names sound alike and would have a higher  rank if both were counted as one.
Source: 2022 and 2000 Michigan Resident Birth File. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

October 18, 2022