Top 25 Female Baby Names,
Michigan, 1970 and 2022



Rank Name Frequency Rank Name Frequency

Total Female Births: 83,665 Total Female Births: 49,331

1. Jennifer 2,459 1. Charlotte 517
2. Lisa 1,974 2. Olivia 453
3. Michelle 1,828 3. Ava 430
4. Kimberly 1,750 4. Amelia 425
5. Amy 1,700 5. Evelyn 362
6. Angela 1,075 6. Sophia 358
7. Dawn 1,067 7. Emma 355
8. Kelly 1,049 8. Harper 292
9. Melissa 1,019 9. Isabella 275
10. Julie 1,017 10. Eleanor 265
11. Tracy 942 11. Nora 233
12. Tammy 901 12. Layla 222
13. Heather 889 13. Mia 221
14. Mary 883 14. Ella 218
15. Laura 855 15. Isla 214
16. Christine 796 16. Aria 212
17. Susan 729 17. Violet 209
18. Tina 716 18-19 Willow 207
19. Karen 704 18-19 Mila 207
20. Shannon 696 20. Aurora 206
21. Lori 680 21. Gianna 205
22. Pamela 665 22. Penelope 205
23. Nicole 604 23. Avery 203
24. Michele 598 24. Nova 202
25. Elizabeth 592 25. Hazel 198


Note: The frequency is calculated by counting the unique spelling of the name.  For example, in order to determine the frequency of the name "Kathy", babies named "Cathy" would not be considered, even though the two names sound alike and would have a higher rank if both were counted as one.
Source: 2022 and 1970 Michigan Resident Birth File. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

October 18, 2022