Top 100 Male Baby Names,
Michigan, 2000-2009

1 - 34

35 - 67

68 - 100










1. Jacob          10,645 35. Christian      3,676 68. Isaiah      2,028
2. Michael            7,401 36. Gavin      3,638 69. Alex      1,912
3. Ethan            7,229 37. Jordan      3,555 70. Eric      1,896
4. Andrew            7,192 38. Luke      3,534 71. Wyatt      1,887
5. Joshua            7,144 39. Gabriel      3,530 72. Trevor      1,881
6. Joseph            6,454 40. Kyle      3,454 73. Nolan      1,863
7. Matthew            6,421 41. Robert      3,401 74. Nathaniel      1,831
8. Tyler            6,373 42. Thomas      3,383 75. Bryce      1,813
9. Nicholas            6,318 43. Lucas      3,146 76. Brayden      1,800
10. Alexander            6,125 44. Aiden      3,053 77. Sean      1,771
11. Logan            5,886 45. Owen      3,033 78. Cody      1,750
12. Ryan            5,739 46. Mason      3,021 79. Carson      1,706
13. Noah            5,510 47. Elijah      3,008 80. Colin      1,701
14. Zachary            5,461 48. Adam      2,866 81. Brady      1,693
15. Anthony            5,195 49. Jonathan      2,771 82. Jeremiah      1,676
16. Nathan            5,155 50. Jackson      2,706 83. Timothy      1,646
17. Benjamin            5,116 51. Aaron      2,692 84. Antonio      1,600
18. William            4,833 52. Isaac      2,597 85. Brian      1,542
19. James            4,719 53. Carter      2,558 86. Liam      1,520
20. Christopher            4,627 54. Blake      2,551 87. Steven      1,510
21. Austin            4,599 55. Aidan      2,486 88. Collin      1,504
22. Dylan            4,595 56. Charles      2,444 89. Parker      1,485
23. David            4,523 57. Jason      2,398 90. Xavier      1,483
24. Daniel            4,371 58. Dominic      2,357 91. Hayden      1,468
25. Jack            4,121 59. Chase      2,355 92. Jaden      1,382
26. Caleb            4,105 60. Jayden      2,346 93. Riley      1,341
27. Cameron            4,084 61. Cole      2,280 94. Caden      1,303
28. Evan            4,062 62. Ian      2,272 95. Garrett      1,302
29. Brandon            4,033 63. Brendan      2,228 96. Ashton      1,289
30. John            4,000 64. Kevin      2,133 97. Julian      1,260
31. Hunter            3,960 65. Devin      2,109 98. Maxwell      1,258
32. Justin            3,791 66. Landon      2,068 99. Marcus      1,219
33. Samuel            3,785 67. Seth      2,053 100. Ali      1,213
34. Connor            3,691

Note: The frequency is calculated by counting the unique spelling of the name.  For example, in order to determine the frequency of the name "Glenn", babies named "Glen" would not be considered, even though the two names sound alike and would have a higher rank if both were counted as one.
Source: 2000 - 2009 Michigan Resident Birth File.  Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

October 18, 2022