Table 13
Number and Percent of Reported Induced Abortions
by Race of Woman or Hispanic Ancestry and
Number of Previous Spontaneous Abortions
Michigan Residents, 2023
Race of
Previous Spontaneous Abortions
Total None One Two or More
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All Races 28,491 21,833 76.6 4,817 16.9 1,825 6.4
White 9,979 7,963 79.8 1,393 14.0 620 6.2
Black 15,185 11,195 73.7 2,957 19.5 1,027 6.8
American Indian 173 143 82.7 21 12.1 9 5.2
Asian & Pacific Islander 518 434 83.8 60 11.6 24 4.6
Multiracial 656 507 77.3 114 17.4 35 5.3
Other 750 612 81.6 101 13.5 36 4.8
Hispanic Ancestry 1,477 1,197 81.0 210 14.2 68 4.6

Note:  Reports with unknown race of woman are included in the 'All Races' row only.  Reports with previous spontaneous abortions not reported are included in the 'Total' column only.
Source:  2023 File of Michigan Resident Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.