Table 16
Number and Percent of Reported Induced Abortions
by the Source of Payment
and Age of Woman
Michigan Residents, 2023
Age of Woman Source of Payment
All Sources Insurance Self Pay
Number Percent Number Percent
All Ages 28,491 544 1.9 27,850 97.8
Under 20 2,294 23 1.0 2,266 98.8
20 - 24 7,444 137 1.8 7,285 97.9
25 - 29 8,127 146 1.8 7,959 97.9
30 - 34 6,603 124 1.9 6,450 97.7
35 - 39 2,980 84 2.8 2,880 96.6
40 or Older 902 28 3.1 871 96.6

Note:  Reports with age of woman not reported are included in the 'All Ages' row only. Reports with source of payment unknown are included in the "All Sources" column only.
Source:  2023 File of Michigan Resident Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.